The baby cauliflowers have survived all the attacks from slugs and snails, and I'm hoping they'll now make it through winter for Spring dinners
Some rather late leeks have taken ok but all the spring onions have been eaten away.
A mixed-up veg and flower bed - cabbages and leeks with fuchsia ont he left, lavender at the front and strawberries along the path edge.
Spinach - at least this grows well even if lettuce doesn't
Some flowers and occasional fruit from the strawberries, though not doing as well as the allotment plants
The greenhouse is very full - with ripening tomatoes

This is perhaps the best crop ever of poire jaune tomatoes
There are grapes


Two of the three apple trees are looking full of fruit but it looks rather messy and scabby. I'm not really expecting a good apple harvest from them.
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