welcome to my little suburban oasis, filled with flowers,fruit trees and vegetables

Sunday 2 September 2012

Picked this week 2nd September 2012

mixed veg - runner beans, broad beans, peas and tiny bit of broccoli

green cabbage

and red - both should have been ready to pull in Spring!

blackberries from the side of the allotment, a few more raspberries and more apple thinnings

also still finding enough strawberries for breakfast

a small pepper from the home greenhouse - they've more space here as the courgette has taken over the allotment polytunnel.

tomatoes - which are mainly having to be picked green before blight destroys the plant completely

and for the store cupboard - marrowfat peas to be dried

onions hanging in the porch

and another sack of potatoes being escorted home by Dylan the dog.


  1. I wonder if you'll have enough green tomatoes to make green tomato chutney?

  2. 2 jars so far - plus some chilli passata with red tomatoes. (see http://maryomshomepage.blogspot.co.uk/2012/09/autumn-already.html) Worrying there won't be many because of bad weather and blight. Not been a good growing season at all.
