Not going to wait for a full week's post - went down the allotment on Monday and picked all these! lots of broad beans, a few peas, radishes and french beans the first allotment courgette a cabbage and the best carrots we've EVER grown!!
back home and remembered to check the cold frame for courgettes Should have done it sooner!
Two of the home trees and the allotment pear are heavy with fruit, so I've been thinning it out a bit. The only allotment apple has cramped small fruit, so I've taken some off that as well. Not necessary to do anything to the plum tree as there's only 3 plums! Going to try and do something useful with it all though not sure what.
Meanwhile we've reached the very end of last year's apples. There were half a dozen or so, very soft wrinkly apples left - no good for eating, too small to peel, so sliced and semi-dried to add to breakfast. These were our apples from the large pippin tree but we had lots from elsewhere in Autumn.
checking out fruit so far and thinking about Autumn -
wondering whether the peaches will grow any more?
raspberries and strawberries have cropped really well but are slowing down now. I hoped that some of the strawberry plants moved from the allotment would turn out to be perpetual fruiters but it doesn't seem likely.
the newest apple tree is getting ready for a bumper crop later and even the old tree has decided to flower at last.
lots more broad beans and peas - for once we seem to have more than enough! 2 cabbages this week - pulling them early as I think there may be a glut soon
lifted the last of the garlic and the first (hopefully) of the beetroot from the allotment
lettuce -though starting to blot - rocket and this amazingly coloured chard more soft fruit - strawberries and raspberries and of course more comedy courgettes!
Recent rain has brought an increase in slugs/snails and the damage caused by them in the garden. Lost some strawberries to them and some nibbled bits of lettuce.
Still, it's all at a lesser level than normal, probably due to the severely cold winter. Could grow to like that.