lettuce - not sure what type. I think it may be Clarion. it's doing very well at the moment,again due to lack of slugs at a crucial time and I think we may be hunting for the lettuce soup recipes for the surplus.
things not going so well
- autumn/winter cabbage - hardly any seed coming up. it is old seed, 5 years in some cases and I have now set loads and used the packets up. hopefully something will now grow.
-cucumbers - these came through really well but, when we went on holiday at Easter, we thought the best thing to do was plant them in the ground in the greenhouse. there wasn't any problem with the weather but slugs got in and ate them
-peppers - were doing well till we planted them out in the greenhouse.have now taken the bizarre step of lifting them and replanting in pots
-leeks - planted them out and half got dug up and rolled on by the cat. fortunately, some generous people offered us some replacements. we now have sticks around and amongst them but the cat still seems attracted - is it the smell perhaps?
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