welcome to my little suburban oasis, filled with flowers,fruit trees and vegetables

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

It's not all peas and beans....

We seem inundated at the moment with pea and broad beans from the allotment ....but that's not all that's ready to be picked.
Last week we lifted the garlic - not a bad crop at all this year.
Salvaged the remains of some over-sprouted broccoli and a red cabbage that looked ready to burst any minute.

more raspberries, and some blackcurrants
the first beetroot of the year!
runner beans - already!
some accidentally picked grapes - I'll add them to salsa to make use of them
and as if I didn't have enough fruit - gooseberries from my parents' garden

Sunday, 12 July 2015

Lavender paths

Another week or so passes and the colour of the path edging does too - the main path is bordered by various lavenders, now coming into flower

Saturday, 11 July 2015

Busy Saturday

 Back from the allotment loaded down with all sorts of goodies - two carrier bags of peas, another of broad beans,

two courgettes,

a good handful of cherries

and a few raspberries.

Meanwhile, at home, the first chilli has set

Back from the holidays....

 we may have been having a lazy time of things for a few days but the allotment carried on growing ....so we came back to masses of broad beans, peas - both normal green and purple-podded - and soft fruit - raspberries, strawberries and a few cherries